Queens House, Micklegate, York, YO1 6JH
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Professional Services

We have built our practice on delivering a first class service to clients, whether this be for producing Reports and Valuations, dealing with Rent Reviews and Lease Renewal matters, or providing advice on a whole raft of other aspects on commercial and residential properties.

We are regularly asked to provide a valuation for various purposes. This includes formal reports for Banks and other lending institutions as well as in connection with company or partnership matters. In addition we prepare valuations for asset purposes, court proceedings (as Expert Witness), probate matters, for purchasers considering an acquisition and for businesses who are considering their options. We have Chartered Surveyors who are RICS Registered Valuers which brings an extremely important dimension to the way in which Valuations are produced, and complying with the requirements of the “Red Book”.

Amongst the other areas of our expertise is the preparation of Expert Witness Reports for various purposes. These are usually required in Court proceedings where there may be a dispute as to value or difficulties between two parties agreeing. This is usually valuations of capital assets. However, we also are actively involved in preparing such Reports for use in rental value disputes where the matter may have been referred to an Independent Expert or Arbitrator to resolve.

Acting as an Independent Expert or Arbitrator is also an area of specialisation for us. Regular appointments are made to act in such capacities, from various sources. We have extensive working knowledge and experience in handling such cases, including a full understanding of the workings of the Arbitration Act 1996 for example.

Finally, we are often asked to provide advice on the best strategy to adopt for the future of a property involving looking at Planning and Development aspects. We have extensive experience in providing full and informed advice on the salient aspects and often co-ordinate the many other specialists needed to move a Planning Application forward, to ensure as positive a result as possible.

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